This is some trouble I faced. When I create a wifi hotspot from my laptop, I couldn't connect my phone to it. Normally it allows when you create an open wifi hotspot, but with a password protected one you can't. This is because Ubuntu based OS's create ad hoc wifi networks, and they are not compatible with connecting to other devices. We can fix this with a simple trick. 1. Create a new wifi connection This is nothing big, most of the Ubuntu based OS's have a GUI to do this via a network icon the top etc. Remember create it as WPA & WPA2 Personal network. This is the type of the network that we're gonna create, and it allows you to set a password for that. 2. Make it accessible to other devices After you creating the wifi network it will create a file in the /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ directory I created mine as mynetwork so here is the file I got. You might need sudo permission to access that. The file is there, so I just wan...
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